Still in denial, I got in the shower and started getting ready for the day. I knew an ER visit would take hours with testing, scans, etc. and I was hoping that with a little time, the kidney stone would make it's way out. As I was stepping out of the shower, Doug came in the bathroom puking. Fun times. If you've never gotten dressed and dried your hair with someone hurling their guts out three feet from you, you're missing out!
We arrived at the emergency room and were ushered into a room where an IV was started, blood tests and CT scans were ordered, and Doug's pain and nausea were alleviated, sort of. The CT scan revealed not just one stone, but a massive stone blocking the ureter, along with several other large stones close behind it. His entire left kidney was approximately 1/3 full of kidney stones. His urologist decided that the best way to remove these stones was by a Percotaneous Nephrostomy. It would involve two surgeries: the first one to insert a tube through his back into his kidney and the second to use that tube to remove the stones. The first surgery was scheduled for Thursday and the second would be scheduled as soon as a special team of radiologists and doctors was in place. Apparently it is a tricky, surgery that takes three or more hours to complete. He was admitted to the hospital for what we thought was an overnight stay.
Throughout that night, an infection was causing Doug to have a fever of 103 degrees. It was a scary time of high doses of antibiotics and lots of prayer, but two days later, the fever finally came down. The surgery to put the nephrostomy tube in his back was complete and as soon as he was rid of the infection, he would be allowed to come home before the second surgery two weeks later. Thankfully, that happened on Monday, so now we just wait for phase two.
While all of this was happening, I had some custom orders placed. One of these orders was for a baby cocoon that looked like the caterpillar from the Eric Carle book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I have seen these adorable cocoons, but didn't have a pattern for one. My mind was kept busy with figuring out how to make this thick, warm, wonderful cocoon and little matching hat. I love it so much that I want to make more, so I created a listing for one in my Etsy shop: I am always grateful for these projects, so that my times spent in hospital waiting rooms seems productive. My husband felt how soft and cozy the cocoon was and wondered if I could make one for him. It may have been the Dilaudid talking, but it might not be such a bad idea! If you visit my husband in the hospital after his second surgery next week and he's wrapped in a cocoon, you'll know what I was doing in the waiting room while he was being operated on. But more than likely, I will just stick to knitting hats or a set of golf club covers!
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